Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Slah pa Ga'

sEbenernya salah ga sih,... "klo qt tertarik sama dosen qt"
kadang2.. pertanyaan itu muncul di benak segelintir temen qt....
nah itu juga yang sekarang di rasain with my new friends...
her environment tell her, she shouln't do that....
emang hidup itu sulit hehehe

2 komentar:

RIDWAN HUTASOIT mengatakan...

There is nothing wrong with that. This happens to everybody. But you have to keep your feet on the ground. Otherwise you would disregard any reality that should stop you from 'just liking' the person.

Susahnya ....

RIDWAN HUTASOIT mengatakan...

Aduh aduh aduh ......